Enroll NOW
How do you enroll? Follow the steps below.
Contact our Executive Director, Mrs. Alicia Berridge by submitting the interview form below.
After the phone/zoom interview, you will receive an email from our Academic Counselor, Ms. Khalilah to fill out all attached applications and submit with all required documents:
Birth Certificate
Immunization Records
Official Transcript
Current Utility Bill
Identification Card
Proof of Income
Social Security Card
If you a returning student, please contact Ms. Khalilah at kmuhammad@youthbuildcharter.org. Title the subject of the email with "Returning Student Application" followed by your name. She will then return the email with a returning student application.
Review orientation powerpoint. You can access it HERE.
Step 1
Confirm you are eligible to enroll. Fill out the eligibility form below.
Step 2
Complete mental toughness orientation (MTO).
Step 3
Contact us at
(951) 455-4622
After MTO, you will be accepted into Compton YouthBuild (CYB). As a member, you may enroll in the high school diploma program with our partner, YouthBuild Charter School of CA (YCSC). Additionally, you may be co-enrolled in other community partner programs for additional benefits.