RSBA aims to expand its successful job readiness program by introducing a culinary career pathway with a focus on engaging and exciting youth while addressing economic, educational, and social factors. We want to get the youth excited about entering the workforce, receive industry-recognized certifications, earn while they learn, and receive post-placement support in reputable and inclusive companies, or support with the development of their own business.​

Funded by
Our Culinary as Career program is currently funded by the Inland Empire Community Foundation funneled through Riverside County Board of Supervisors - Nonprofit Assistance Fund for a total of $150,000 from December 2023 - November 2024.

RSBA's Culinary as a Career program's specific activities and services include the following:
$150 Paid Weekly Stipends
Food Handlers Certification (Riverside County & Industry Recognized)
Option for ServSafe Management Certification​