Meet The Team

Alicia Berridge
Founder & Executive Director

Founder and Executive Director Alicia Berridge, is a native California raised in Windsor Hills/View Park. Mrs. Berridge has a diverse background stemming from the entertainment business, law enforcement, motivational speaking and entrepreneur/business owner. Mrs. Berridge served as a Los Angeles Police Officer/Training Officer and has also worked as a Public Defender Investigator for the County of Riverside. She has always worked with disenfranchised populations, specifically at-risk youth.
In 2000, Mrs. Berridge founded Rising Stars Academy in View Park, CA. At that time, there were no programs available for young girls or boys of color to learn about proper etiquette. This was her drive behind opening up an Etiquette Academy and giving back to her community. Youth were taught self-esteem, self-confidence, self-respect, public speaking practices, banking, after school tutoring, acting, dance, modeling, gymnastics and more.
In 2010, Mrs. Berrridge, along with her husband, Lincoln Berridge founded Rising Stars Business Academy in Moreno Valley, California, a Youth Leadership Development Program.
"Nothing can stop a man or woman who just won't quit!"

Alicia Berridge
Founder & Executive Director
I am a new employee at Rising Stars Business Academy.Currently, I am the Lead Case Manager of the CalVIP Program at RSBA. I have been in case management for 12 years. I served as a case manager at Universal Health Services in 2011 where I provided case management services for a managed care Fortune 500 Company. In 2019, I became employed at Menifee Unified School District as a Behavioral Specialist. I worked with children with developmental disabilities such as autism, conduct disorder, cerebral palsy, ADHD, ADD, ODD, OCD, PTSD, Depression and Anxiety, and Harm to Self. Utilizing my case management skills, my responsibility was to establish action plans to decrease behaviors and provide services to students to aid in their educational success. My biggest achievements have been acquiring my Masters Degree in Healthcare Management, a Business Owner (Caterer), and being a foster parent to children with developmental disabilities and moving forward to adopt my children. My goals and aspirations are to serve the community and surrounding areas in Riverside County and invoke change in the lives of others. One fact about me is that I am currently working on my Ph.D in Nouthetic Counseling.
“Be nice to people, maybe it’ll be unappreciated, unreciprocated, or ignored, but spread the love anyway. We rise by lifting others.”
​Germany Kent